Category: eMail Marketing Services

Getresponse pricing reviews

getresponse pricing options

With the introduction of new Getresponse pricing structure, Getresponse provides different plans for greater business opportunities suitable for large as well as small companies. Getresponse has added different marketing automation features like tags, scoring, abandoned cart, web event tracking, automation segmentation, etc. to make their service real worthy for subscribing. In addition to email marketing service, Getresponse has come up with landing pages, webinars service, Salesforce integration, dedicated infrastructure and IP address with the max mail out performance features with the advance plans.

Getresponse autoresponder comes with four scalable pricing options. We shall discuss in details all the four plans as follows.

Getresponse “Email” Plan

Email plan comes with only Getresponse email marketing service and one landing page which is suitable for beginners. The pricing structure for different subscriber base is as follows.

Up to 1000 subscribers- 15 US$

Up to 2500 subscribers- 25 US$

Up to 5000 subscribers- 45 US$

Up to 10000 subscribers- 65 US$

Up to 25000 subscribers- 145 US$

Up to 50000 subscribers- 250 US$

Up to 100000 subscribers- 450 US$

Getresponse “Pro” Plan

“Pro” plan is most popular plan out there. It comes with 3 multi-users and webinar service with maximum 100 attendees. The features like unlimited landing pages, unlimited visitors, A/B testing, abandoned cart are available in this plan which is not available in “Email” plan. You can see here the price difference between “Email” and “Pro” plan is very less. This plan is suitable for the users having a subscriber base of 5000 and more. Full details are available on the Getresponse Pricing page.

Up to 5000 subscribers- 49 US$

Up to 10000 subscribers- 75 US$

Up to 25000 subscribers- 165 US$

Up to 50000 subscribers- 280 US$

Up to 100000 subscribers- 490 US$

Getresponse “Max” Plan

In addition to the features available in “Pro” plan, the “Max” plan has additional features like Salesforce integration, custom domain, campaign consulting are available with 5 users to operate. You can also find webinar service features having 500 attendees with this plan.

Up to 10000 subscribers- 165 US$

Up to 25000 subscribers- 245 US$

Up to 50000 subscribers- 370 US$

Up to 100000 subscribers- 580 US$

Getresponse Enterprise Plan

Getresponse Enterprise Solutions PricingBeing the most performance oriented plan, “Enterprise” solutions comes with additional features like rebranding, dedicate IP address with infrastructure, max mail out performance & deliverability consulting and more. “Enterprise” model which named as Getresponse 360 earlier is most suitable for a user having a subscriber base of 1K and above. Full details are available on the Getresponse Pricing page.

Up to 100000 subscribers- 799 US$

Custom solutions are available for users having more than 100,000 subscribers. You can place your order here.

Getresponse yearly pricing

Besides the monthly plans, Getresponse offers 18% discount on pre-paid yearly pricing and 30% discount on pre-paid biannual pricing. Getresponse also offers a special 50% discount for non-profit organizations.

Getresponse vs Aweber pricing

Getresponse offers webinar service in addition to the email marketing service, in their Pro, Max, and Enterprise plans which are not available in case of Aweber. Looking into Getresponse email marketing pricing, it cost 15 US$ up to 1000 subscribers whereas Aweber cost 15 US$ up to 500 subscribers. As you go to the higher plans, you will also find Getresponse pricing cheaper than Aweber. Both the companies have a good reputation in the field of email marketing service, still, Getresponse seems to be the winner between Aweber vs Getresponse.

Getresponse vs Mailchimp pricing

Mailchimp email marketing offers starts from 1,001 – 1,500 subscribers costing 20 US$. If we compare cost between Getresponse vs Mailchimp, Mailchimp cost 30 US$ for 2,000 – 2,500 subscribers whereas Getresponse cost 25 US$ which is cheaper. If you choose Getresponse “Pro” Plan up to 5000 subscribers,  it cost 49 US$ which is 1 US$ less than Mailchimp. If we look at Mailchimp pros and cons, they do have a good trial plan but prices are higher in the case of paid plans. So if you plan to include Webinar service along with email marketing service in your marketing plan then Getresponse pricing for “Pro” and “Max” Plan is most suitable for you.

Getresponse provides complete solutions for email marketing having great features, easy to use service and professional customer support at an affordable price. Hence you should try their service while choosing the online marketing automation of your business. Get a limited time promotion offer from Getresponse.

Getresponse List Building Program: Must For eMail Marketers

The Getresponse list building program one of its kinds of email list building course that covers comprehensively to grow your email list from 0 to 10,000 subscribers in a short span of 90 days. Now you can enroll for their free program and build an email list of your prospective customers. The course is of two schedules, one is of 90 days fast track program (3 hours a day) and other is of 180 days regular program (1.5 hours a day). Those are pre-occupied with other jobs may prefer to choose 180 days regular program.  The Getresponse list building program content for both the schedules has the same content to cover.

Getresponse List Building Program

Email list building training is not all about only collecting email but to make a complete business platform. Prior to list building, you need to have your blog or website. It is not like that you cannot do email marketing without a blog or website. But to make your footprint in internet marketing, you need to create a blog or website. You also need to create your social media accounts with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. This course will guide you on the entire basic requirements and also how to move step by step from the scratch. If you are dedicating 3 hours a day towards list building program, you need to listen to 10 minutes tutorial video and then work for an hour or so. Likewise in the second session of the day, you also have to repeat the same process.

Getresponse List Building Program details

Program Details

Course Fee:                                        Free

Course conducted by:                    Getresponse University

Duration:                                             90 days/180 days

Course Potential:                            Target to achieve 10,000 subscribers

Certification:                                     Official Certificate of Performance from Getresponse University 

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As you know there are various methods to draw traffic to your website. Some of are from PPC, organic search traffic from search engines, social media traffic like Facebook, Twitter etc. All these are a really great source of traffic. But truth is that the traffic from these sources are not always stable and depend upon a lot of parameters. Chance is that you may sometimes lose traffic from these sources.

But the backbone of any internet marketing business is email marketing. By the help of email marketing, you can start a solid foundation to your online venture. the email list is an asset and all the subscribers do have lifetime value. You can yield average 50 to 1,000 bucks per subscriber in their lifetime if done correctly. Hence, your income will grow proportionally to your increasing number of subscribers.

Getresponse List Building Program Video

The details of email list building training program are available in the following video.

The course materials consist of video tutorials, presentations in printable PDF format and lists of task to complete. After successfully completions of the program, the participants those have acquire at least minimum 1000 new subscribers shall be provided with Getresponse University Certificate of Performance from Getresponse University.

The course is available to the Getresponse customers for both trail as well as paid account holders those have less than 10,000 subscribers at free of cost.

Final Words

We can truly say this is the best email list building course we ever went through. Those who are in the process of building an internet marketing business should enroll for Getresponse list building program without any delay. If you follow all the instructions by heart and put them in action, you will create minimum 1000 subscribers to 10,000 subscribers on day 61. Getresponse offer a competative price for their customers which is having real value for money. You can go through the detail Getresponse pricing review here. Wish you all the success in your list building journey.


Getresponse Review: Getresponse Continue To Be No.1 in 2021

Getresponse Review: GetResponse is known for improving marketing efficiency in order to reduce profitability and costs, so you will be able to generate income that your company truly deserves. Get Response email marketing service was introduced by Simon Grabowski, who is also a pioneer in Internet Marketing. It offers a vast range of online solutions and has offices in the US, Canada, Russia, and Poland.

Getresponse founded in the year 1999 & have a client base of over 3.5 lakhs.  Get response provide instant customer support from live professionals including Saturday. It provides multimedia storage facility up to 1GB, which enables the clients to provide video email marketing.  Get response email intelligence feature provides most efficient tracking reports making the email analysis easier. Read more GetResponse reviews as follows.

The All In One IM Tool:

Over the years Getresponse has grown into an all in one internet marketer’s tool which includes

  • Responsive email designs.
  • Optin Forms for different needs having more than 500+ web form templates.
  • Landing Pages in the form of sales pages, video pages, squeeze pages having 100+ mobile responsive templates.
  • Webinar marketing solutions to nurture existing customer and generate new leads. A/B Testing of campaigns.
  • Autoresponders 2.0 for automated follow-ups.
  • Drag n drop email creator.

Implex USA Inc. offers various services such as video conferencing (named as Click Meeting), streaming rich media and website building (named as WebsiteWizard) and email marketing service (named as GetResponse). Get Response is considered a complete email marketing solution, and Getresponse autoresponder is one of its key features that are capable of delivering information to customers in a timely manner.

Watch this Getresponse review video on the new Getresponse Autoresponders 2.0.

GetResponse review on features:

One reason why GetResponse continues to soar high is due to its anti-spam practices, and its established relationships with major Email Service and Internet Service Providers. With these services, you can be sure that your email is delivered to prospective clients on time. There are over 8 billion messages from more than 200 countries, which they deliver every year. Therefore, as it ensures disrupted email deliverability, you will not waste a single penny.


If you want to know more about the services that GetResponse is capable of providing, you can log into for more information. Some customers who have not yet switched to this service may be wondering why they should opt for it and there are several reasons to consider it. Aside from the fact that they have over 205,000 active accounts, they also have better deliverability of up to 99 percent, which is higher than other competitors. It also has several features such as unlimited autoresponders, messages, lists, and follow-ups, and it prides itself on its more than one million subscribers.

Getresponse has multiple great features, some of them are discussed as following which make the email marketing much easier.

Getresponse review on email creator: With this email creator feature one can create stunning emails. At first, choose the desired template, and then you can change the colors, fonts of the email. You can drag-n-drop the chosen image from the huge collections of iStockphoto in Getresponse member’s area. Before dispatching email you can also preview the look and feel of email or newsletter in different email services like Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail and other. One can use social sharing button by choosing from an array of custom newsletter templates and enabling readers to share the newsletter content with different social networking sites. Getresponse also has social share analytics feature to track the activities among the readers.

Getresponse review landing page creator: By the help of Getresponse landing page creator one can create amazing landing pages as well according to once need. The service also comes with high converting opt-in form builder for the creation of list capture pages.

Getresponse review on time management:

Get response reviewsThe time travel feature enables the users to fix the schedule of the email delivery in same local time in different geographic region enabling engagement with the email recipients in a more relevant way. The list booster feature enables users to import a list from hard disk, 16 different mail services, and mail clients. It has 350+ email templates to impress the subscribers by creating well-designed emails.

Email Intelligence: To measure the performance of a particular campaign likes email opening rate, click through rate, and achievement of goal can also be tracked through email analytic tool. By installing a tracking code one can also track sales, signups and ultimately the ROI analysis.

Getresponse API

In order to get the Getresponse API, users have to log in to Getresponse. In “My account” section by visiting “Use Getresponse API key” one will find the API key. You can find more detail about API key in “Getresponse Developer Zone” page

Getresponse review on pricing

Getresponse pricing is very competitive & offer value as per their pricing. The monthly pricing is as follows.

Up to 1,000 subscribers: $15.00

Up to 5,000 subscribers: $49.00

Up to 10,000 subscribers: $165.00

Up to 100,000+ subscribers: $999.00

Getresponse pricing

Getresponse offers 18% discount on the annual plan. Users should take privilege out of it. The user having a bigger list having more than 100,000 have to opt for Enterprise plan.

Getresponse review on free trial

Get response also has competitive rates and the monthly pricing greatly depends on the service you are going to avail. For instance, a monthly fee of $15 is charged to clients who wish to have 1000 subscribers and a fee of $65 for up to 10,000 subscribers. There is also 18 percent discount if you are going to opt for the annual plan and if you are going to consider Getresponse360 plan, you are entitled to a much bigger list of 100,000 subscribers. New users can also consider 30 days free trial with one email ID for a free account creation. The best thing is that there is no credit card required when creating GetResponse free trial account.

Getresponse review overview

So, what are the benefits that customers can reap from subscribing to Getresponse? Based on GetResponse review, one thing that makes this email marketing service stands out is its ability to catch lost sales and boost lead generation to yield positive business-building results. It also reduces email marketing tasks, which are usually repetitive and tedious. Besides that, you should opt for Getresponse list building program free of cost to grow your subscribers up to 10000 from the scratch.

Getresponse is one of the oldest email marketing service, anyone interested to subscribe Getresponse service undoubtedly finds a great service to be explored.

Find the more Getresponse review on Getresponse free trial.